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Enniscorthy 10k

A group of seven club members headed up to Enniscorthy in very favourable running conditions for the Enniscorthy 10k superbly hosted by Slaney Olympic AC. Over 200 entrants saw many athletes traveling from near & far to compete. Rob today earned the honour of first Menapian over the line. Nice to see everyone coming in with great finish times and special mention to Catriona in her first outing for the club.

Well done to our Magnificent 7 !

Rob Casey 44:10

Eamonn Foley 46:42

John Dier 47:27

Micheal Kinsella 47:49

Tadhg Henderson 49:18

Louise Henderson 58:59

Catriona Murphy 1:12:21

Photos from popupraces.