Super achievement and all for a great cause by Shane McCormack……
Surreal experience cycling to Shercock today 29th September leaving at 4.30am in the dark and fog and arriving in sunny Cavan at 330pm!! Delighted to play my part to help raise funds for Craig’s club but also take myself waaaaaaaaay out of my comfort zone especially when I had some very fast company over the last 75km. Truly humbling experience being welcomed by so many people in shercock and great to have Jack cycle the last 12k from kingscourt to shercock. Thanks to Amy Ní Coitir, Ann Lynch, Joanna Walker and all Craig’s family and friends for their hospitality and my support crew my dad, Paddy Donovan and Mick Pender And Melissa McCormack and Annie for coming to the finish also ❤️. Cycled a few angry km for those stuck in lockdown who would love nothing more than to be there today and tomorrow to see out their own challenges. Thanks to everyone who supported the go fund me page. We go again.