Wexford Credit Union Night Run 5K / Fun on the Track / IMRA Tropperstown / parkrun

Wexford Credit Union Night Run 5K

A nice chill in the dark air around town as the Quay was buzzing with athletes and supporters awaiting the start of the race.

27 of our members signed up to take part with some pushing themselves as others used it as a training run. Great to see so many out supporting a great cause.

Fiachra was the first club member across the line running a super race finishing 2nd junior male and 20th place overall. Helen Wallace had a good night and was our first lady home. Conor was 3rd and John 4th O60 age cat with Martin 1st in the M70.

Well done to all that ran. Kudos to all involved in organising the event, all your work made the event run so smoothly and thanks to Sportsphoto Ireland & Wexford Free Press for photos. Wexford Credit Union Night Run

Members results:

  • Fiachra Mehigan 18:26

  • Brian Smyth 19:42

  • Ryan Ellard 19:54

  • Eamonn Foley 21:26

  • Helen Wallace 22:06

  • Jesse Kielthy 22:02

  • Martin Kelly 22:30

  • Fran Power 23:40

  • Conor MacAogain 23:58

  • Gareth Lloyd 24:34

  • Paul O'Meara 24:44

  • John Dier 24:49

  • Zac Dee 26:32

  • Ilze Bedrite 26:51

  • Jennifer Kehoe 27:10

  • Enda O'Sullivan 27:16

  • Dermot Foley 27:26

  • Rob Mehigan 27:36

  • Sarah Bermingham 27:51

  • Nora Boggan 28:35

  • Linda Leacy 30:58

  • Helen Burrell 31:31

  • Siobhan Doyle 32:29

  • Michael Murphy 34:38

  • Bridie McGuire 40:38

  • Sharron Dier 47:11

  • Niall Tyrrell 47:36

Enniscorthy Track Fun Night

A brilliant fun night on the track in Enniscorthy last night as Eion, Pippa, Benny, Este, Daniel, Danny, Kyle, Chloe, Fionn, Conor & Leon all took part in an introducton to events. This was done in a fun and inclusive environment where the emphasis was on enjoying athletics and having fun.

Thanks to our coaches Ellen, Louise, Tadhg, Padraig & Liam.

Well done to Deirdre and Enniscorthy AC for organising a wonderful evening of fun athletics !

IMRA Trooperstown

9.70km was the marked race route distance as Helen and Tadhg took on a new challenge in the form of an Irish Mountain Running Association race on Trooperstown County Wicklow.

Tactics are different than in a road race and the 2 settled themselves into a steady rhythm as they navigated the course.

Nice running from Helen Wallace (57:02) & Tadhg Henderson (1:11:14) as they happily crossed the finish line quite content with their days work.


Special mention to Linda who has shown steady improvement since she joined the club and was rewarded on Saturday by running her fastest 5k time.

Borrisokane Parkrun saw Enda O'Sullivan add another event to his list.

Brain Smyth, John Hyland, Dermot Foley, Fran Power, John Dier, Sarah Bermingham, Ann Thomas, Martin Kelly, Helen Burrell, Oliver Stack, Linda Leacy, Michael Murphy, Bridie McGuire, Dave Percival, Gareth Lloyd & Sharron Dier all completed the Wexford Racecourse Parkrun.

Well done to everyone.