Great to see some of our couch to 5k recruits still tackling 5k's and continuing their running journey. Well done Bridie McGuire & Sheirleen Stanners who took part at the Superhero Race in Gorey Saturday.
Today saw the hosting of the Senior Cross Country which was hosted by Croghan AC in Coolgreaney. The men's race was over 10k on a hilly course and clubman Neil 0’Grady ran an excellent 41.34 in his first Senior for the club. The ladies ran a 5k course with the same hills and our two ladies competing were Catherine O'Connor in another good time of 25.21 , and Helen Sinnott coming in shortly after her in a well earned 26.55 on a gorgeous day for running. Well done to all three of our athletes.
Well done to Croghan AC who were excellent hosts.