Cloughbawn 5km/10km 25th October

Herself and meself ventured into deepest darkest Cloughbawn (and even managed to get back out and got away with robbing coffee and buns ) to run the 5k and 10k run/walks that Cloughbawn GAA Club put on this afternoon to raise funds for St Gabriel's ward in Wexford General Hospital. Anyone that knows me well will know how special that ward is to me. Not only did we mug them for a brew and biccies, we both robbed a good time to come home with. I thought the days of getting close to 50 minutes were gone but given the total amount of ascent, I think on a flatter course 40 seconds off that time was very doable. To clock my fastest 1km,5km and 10km of the year all in the space of 50 hours, I'll take that with bells on . Great time for the missus as well, both happy campers on the way home.